Event Registration:

Graduate Scholarships Engagement

Attendee Information

Complete Registration

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Please enter a current education institution (full name)
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Please enter a faculty / department
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Please enter a value for the other option. The value cannot exceed 255 characters.
Please select an option
Please enter a value for the other option. The value cannot exceed 255 characters.
Please enter a valid date
e.g. mm/dd/yyyy, dd-mm-yyyy or yyyy-mm-dd
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If you input more than 0 characters your Name of Awarding Organisation may not display properly

If you input more than 0 characters your Name of Scholarship / Award may not display properly

Please enter a what would you like the speakers to elaborate on during this session?
If you input more than 0 characters your What would you like the speakers to elaborate on during this session? may not display properly

Please enter a what is your deciding factor or any concerns, challenges when considering to apply for a scholarship/award?
If you input more than 0 characters your What is your deciding factor or any concerns, challenges when considering to apply for a scholarship/award? may not display properly
Please enter a value for the other option. The value cannot exceed 255 characters.
Please select an option
Please select an option

Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA)

By replying to this invitation, you hereby agree that A*STAR may collect, use, disclose and store your business data for the following purposes:

- To facilitate the management and logistics of this event

- Legal purposes when necessary, including investigation or proceeding

- Business Purposes

Professional photography and videography will take place during the event. By taking part in this event, you are consenting that these images can be used by A*STAR for any form of publicity usage including but not limited to website, media and publication purposes.

For any queries regarding the above clause, please contact melissa_kam@hq.a-star.edu.sg or keryn_tan@hq.a-star.edu.sg for further assistance.

Contact Person

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