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Save the dateFebruary 11, 202517:45 - 19:30 GMT+8 Add to Calendar
Venue Location
Venue Location

Innovis, Multipurpose Hall (Level 1)

2 Fusionopolis Way, Singapore 138634

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Pioneering Science and Company Creation: A Dialogue with Noubar Afeyan
Pioneering Science and Company Creation: A Dialogue with Noubar Afeyan

What is required to make breakthrough scientific discoveries and transform them into high-impact business ventures?

Join Noubar Afeyan, Ph.D., Founder and CEO of Flagship Pioneering, as he discusses Flagship's distinctive company creation process, where entrepreneurially minded scientists create novel solutions to human health and sustainability challenges.

Learn what it takes to pioneer scientific innovation and venture creation in this interactive dialogue with Noubar, who has co-founded over 100 life science and technology platform companies, including Moderna.

  • 17:45 - 18:00



    18:00 - 19:00

    Pioneering Science and Company Creation: A Dialogue with Noubar Afeyan

    Pioneering Science and Company Creation: A Dialogue with Noubar Afeyan

    19:00 - 20:30

    Networking session (Refreshments provided)

    Networking session (Refreshments provided)

Key Speaker
Key Speaker
  • Noubar Afeyan (CEO of Flagship Pioneering)

    Noubar Afeyan

    CEO of Flagship Pioneering

Noubar Afeyan is founder and CEO of Flagship Pioneering. He is also co-founder and Board Chairman of Moderna.

Founded in 2000, Flagship is an enterprise where entrepreneurially-minded scientists invent seemingly unreasonable solutions to challenges facing human health and sustainability. They begin by asking "What if?" and iterate toward the unexpected answers resulting in the creation of first-in-category bioplatform companies with significant impact. Flagship has developed more than 100 scientific ventures resulting in over $100 billion in aggregate value, thousands of patents and patent applications, and more than 50 drugs in clinical development.

During his career as inventor, entrepreneur, and CEO, Noubar has cofounded and helped build over 100 life science and technology startups. Prior to founding Flagship Pioneering, Noubar was the founder and CEO of PerSeptive Biosystems, a leader in bio-instrumentation that grew to $100 million in annual revenues. After PerSeptive's acquisition by Perkin Elmer/Applera Corporation in 1998, he became senior vice president and chief business officer of Applera, where he initiated and oversaw the creation of Celera Genomics.

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