Event Details

Singapore Membrane Consortium's annual flagship event will showcase promising advances and technologies in the field of membranes and separations, and aim to foster collaboration and knowledge exchange among experts in academia and industry.

This year's theme will be "Sustainable Solutions for Industrial Water Treatment & Resource Optimization". This symposium features a unique blend of insightful keynote speeches, panel discussions, and networking opportunities and is a must-attend event for industry players and academia seeking to stay ahead of the curve and make valuable connections. Presentations will cover a diverse range of topics including recent water technologies, the global water sector's market size and challenges, advancements in advanced porous materials (APMs) for membrane technologies, and innovative solutions to membrane fouling in industrial wastewater treatment.

Don't miss out on this exciting event that will elevate your career and expand your professional network. Join us on June 14th at the Multipurpose Hall for this highly anticipated event!

Register now to secure your spot at the SG MEM Annual Symposium 2024!

Jun 14, 2024

08:30 - 16:30 GMT+8

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Multipurpose Hall, Innovis
2 Fusionopolis Wy, Singapore 138634

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  • 08:30 - 09:00Registration & Breakfast
    09:00 - 09:10Welcome Address

    Carine Tan

    Programme Manager at Singapore Membrane Consortium

    09:10 - 10:10The Water-Climate Intersection: Drivers, Themes, Opportunities, and Strategies
    The water sector globally is a ~$1T/yr industry and membranes are a multi $B/yr segment. Climate change is causing the water cycle to change and the global push for decarbonization is creating new demand for critical materials such as minerals, metals, and rare earths. The water sector, including separations, is projected to see a step-change in growth to meet these challenges and opportunities, creating opportunities for researchers and innovators including new opportunities for membrane separations. Turning an innovative hard-tech idea into a start-up that finds product-market fit and then growth expansion isn’t easy, but there are proven methodologies that can be used to increase chances of success and hasten the journey in a more capital efficient way. This presentation will explore the drivers, themes, opportunities, and strategies in the water-climate intersection.

    Steve Kloos

    Partner at Burnt Island Ventures

    10:10 - 11:10A Journey Through the Last 15 Years of Water Related Technologies: Startups and ideas in the Water Space
    Take a tour of variety and reality and some fantasies into the world of a wide range of recent water technologies from patented ideas, to startups to, to general technologies. Topics from specific companies such as Biogill, Sofi Filtration, Aquafortus, Puraffinity and 2GL Tech will be highlighted. Sectors including resources from wastewater, Lithium, Hydrogen and others are included with respect to how water treatment contributes to their success or failures. Insight into what a global corporate seeks in acquiring or partnering in will be reviewed with respect to Dow Chemical’s past forays into forward osmosis, algal biofeedstocks, and Membrane Aerated BioReactors as examples.

    Steve Gluck

    Owner/ CTO at Steven J. Gluck, LLC/ 2GL Tech, LLC

    11:10 - 12:00Advanced Porous Materials for Liquid Separation Membranes
    The recent decade has witnessed the booming development of advanced porous materials (APMs) such as metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) and covalent organic frameworks (COFs). Unlike their conventional counterparts (e.g., silica, activated carbon, zeolite), APMs have well-ordered structures, uniform yet tunable pore sizes, and versatile chemical compositions suitable for various modifications. Membrane technologies have attracted increased attention recently because of their important applications in clean energy and environmental sustainability. The combination of APMs in membrane technologies would generate innovative solutions and tremendous impacts. In this talk, I will present our group’s studies on APMs as membrane materials for liquid separations, including water purification, alcohol dehydration, and organic solvent nanofiltration. Through strategies including postsynthetic defect healing, judicious selection of secondary building units, and adopting flexible substrates, we have gradually revealed the potential of APMs for industrial liquid separations.

    Dan Zhao

    Associate Professor at NUS

    12:00 - 13:00Lunch & Networking
    13:00 - 13:50Hybrid membrane processes for metal containing wastewater treatment
    The pharmaceutical industry undeniably plays a crucial role in addressing global health needs and advancing medical innovation. However, a significant challenge arises from the substantial amount of wastewater generated during the pharmaceutical production process. For instance, metal-containing stoichiometric reagents are common for small active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) synthesis. These metals remaining in aqueous waste streams lead to environmental and cost challenges. Effectively treating this wastewater is one of the key challenges faced by the pharmaceutical industry due to their complexity and hazardous nature. To address this issue, we have developed a hybrid separation technology combining membrane distillation, electrowinning and online monitoring techniques for efficient metal removal and/or recovery from pharmaceutical wastewater. It demonstrates a good treatment efficiency, while providing real-time data for continuous monitoring and quality control for a more sustainable waste management.

    Jian Zuo

    Associate Professor at SIT

    13:50 - 14:05New Member Introduction - NTi Memtech

    Jerry Liu

    General Manager at NTi Memtech Pte Ltd

    14:05 - 14:20New Member Introduction - INV Corporation

    Larry Poon

    Business Development Associate at INV Corporation Pte Ltd

    14:20 - 14:50Industry Update - 3E Memtech

    Feng Jiang Fu

    CEO of 3E Memtech Pte Ltd

    14:50 - 15:20Afternoon Tea Break
    15:20 - 16:20Panel Discussion: Exploring Membrane Applications Beyond Water

    Steve Kloos

    Partner at Burnt Island Ventures

    Steve Gluck

    Owner/ CTO at Steven J. Gluck, LLC/ 2GL Tech, LLC

    Feng Jiang Fu

    CEO of 3E Memtech Pte Ltd

    Larry Poon

    Business Development Associate at INV Corporation Pte Ltd

    16:20 - 16:30Closing

    Carine Tan

    Programme Manager at Singapore Membrane Consortium


  • Steve Kloos (Partner at Burnt Island Ventures)

    Steve Kloos

    Partner at Burnt Island Ventures

    Read Bio
  • Steve Gluck (Owner/ CTO at Steven J. Gluck, LLC/ 2GL Tech, LLC)

    Steve Gluck

    Owner/ CTO at Steven J. Gluck, LLC/ 2GL Tech, LLC

    Read Bio
  • Dan Zhao (Associate Professor at NUS)

    Dan Zhao

    Associate Professor at NUS

    Read Bio
  • Jian Zuo (Associate Professor at SIT)

    Jian Zuo

    Associate Professor at SIT

    Read Bio
  • Jerry Liu (General Manager at NTi Memtech Pte Ltd)

    Jerry Liu

    General Manager at NTi Memtech Pte Ltd

    Read Bio
  • Carine Tan (Programme Manager at Singapore Membrane Consortium)

    Carine Tan

    Programme Manager at Singapore Membrane Consortium

    Read Bio
  • Feng Jiang Fu (CEO of 3E Memtech Pte Ltd)

    Feng Jiang Fu

    CEO of 3E Memtech Pte Ltd

    Read Bio
  • Larry Poon (Business Development Associate at INV Corporation Pte Ltd)

    Larry Poon

    Business Development Associate at INV Corporation Pte Ltd

    Read Bio


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SG MEM Annual Symposium 2024 Attendance